Collaborative DDoS mitigation event 2024
We cordially invite you to the annual Collaborative DDoS Mitigation event on Wednesday 27 November at the beautiful castle De Hooge Vuursche near Baarn. This

Black Hat Europe 2022
December 5-8, the Anti-DDoS Coalition will be at Black Hat Europe 2022! Coalition members Karl Lovink (Belastingdienst) and Mieke Van Ulden (ECP) will give a

First CONCORDIA workshop on collaborative DDoS mitigation
Tech talks, captivating discussions, and networking to advance the field Authors: Thijs van den Hout (SIDN Labs), Cristian Hesselman (SIDN Labs, University of Twente) Photo’s

How we’re using DNS anycast to make the .nl domain ever more resilient
By the Tweakers editorial team. DNS anycast is now proven technology in the global Domain Name System. For some years, we’ve partnered with peers and

RPKI and the DNS: role of big players is crucial
Half of the .nl domain’s DNS infrastructure now protected by RPKI Routing hijacks are a threat to the availability and reliability of the DNS and

Inside line on our anycast testbed
Experiments yield valuable information for creation of new production-ready, flexible shell around our anycast infrastructure Since early 2020, we’ve been running a BGP anycast testbed